Last week, I managed to stitch quite a lot, and that gives me the courage to carry on. As you can see, I only need to finish the left border and the left down corner. Outside it is very stormy and wet, but I bought myself a little bit of spring with this tulips.
Another unfinished project: a cabled sweater I started last year (winter 2008). I still need to knit the sleeves (shown here, I always knit them together on the same needles) and the collar. So I guess it will be finished next week and I will be able to wear it in the last cold weeks before spring. Today, it started to rain, and now all the snow has melted. My garden has never looked so dull and grey before, but I heard some birds singing, oh joy! Detail of a sleeve. My knitting companion!
Now that I had a few days to craft and tidy my house a bit, guess what : I fell ill and had to stay in bed for a day. So I decided to read a bit, something not too difficult, because I couldn't concentrate for long. I'm always a bit late for a hype, or I ignore it, but now I decided to give this book a try: "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer. It was a real disappointment, with cardboard characters and almost no plot at all. I wanted to give it a chance, and I do like spooky stories, but this book didn't work for me, not at all. I've never read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker, but now I definitely will. Or to still my thirst for blood, I can watch these movies again:
And I have already a few other books on my bedstand that will please me!
I've been away too long...feels like ages since I've been blogging. The reason for my absence: work, work and more work. For a month, I didn't cook, shop, read, or craft. All I did was sit at my desk, and work, work, work. And now this job is finished, and I don't know where to start blogging again. So a mosaic it will be, just to get the hang of it again. For a few times since January, I thought spring was arriving, but no, last week it started snowing again. And I'm growing a bit tired of the cold. So this mosaic is a sort of goodbye to winter, I hope!