No time to enjoy the sun like these lads... A lot of work (illustrations for a magazine, a lot of visitors, paperwork...), but in the evenings, I did a marathon of watching this DVD.
I heard there will be a Cranford Christmas Special this winter,can't hardly wait!
September glow on the pond, the company of a lovely cat, autumn flowers, ...and working on my sampler! It has been a hectic week, lots and lots of work, but I tried to enjoy my garden as much as possible (a lot of coffee-breaks).
September, the end of summer and also a new start: back to school for my kids, back to work for me (at my home desk), a pile of books to read, ... I do remember vividly the smell of new pencils and books from my first schooldays, a long time ago now. Now that I'm a grown-up lady (ahum!), September is the time to start autumn-cleaning my house and get rid of the clutter everywhere.