I like to take pictures while strolling in my garden... and then I forget all about the weeding that needs to be done. I haven't given up on my sampler, the alphabet is almost finished after week #5 and #6, I only need to stitch the W, X, Y and Z!
And now back to the garden: I kept finding these shells of snails, all broken and only on hard surfaces. Not a few of them, but a lot! And this little movie explains it all:
One day late, but here is the result after a week of cross stitching: I finished the upper right corner and 3 letters of my alphabet. Working with fonts and calligraphy wasn't quite my thing at Art School, but that doesn't mean I don't like typography. The layout and lettering of a page is very important, and I can tell the difference between a good and a bad layout... but don't ask me to do it myself. It's really a skill, and not an easy one. So I'll keep to embroidering my alphabets and enjoying blogs or websites like these: -ilovetypography -Typefaces that capture a particular period or artistic movement. -book covers -a lovely paper collection
In this warm weather, we spend a lot of our time in the garden, especially in the evening. I work on my cross stitch sampler, until it gets too dark to see the stitching properly. One of the pleasures of the blogging world, is receiving surprises by the mail. About a month ago, I sent a few scraps to this fellow blogger of ambiance. A week later, I found a letter in the mailbox with these nice scraps of fabric! I will use them for my scrap quilt, for this quilt I use only swapped fabrics. I bought this book on Amazon UK, I can use the inspiration for making quilts with the fabrics I already have.